Introduction | Overview | | Surface ocean | Subsurface ocean | Sea Ice | Air-Sea Flux
AO | NAO | PNA | | SAM | SOI | AMO | El Niño OLR | La Niña OLR
shorter series | longer series
Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO)
The Pacific Decadal Oscillation is a pattern of climate variability with a similar expression to El Niño, but acting on a longer time scale, and with a pattern most clearly expressed in the North Pacific/North American sector. More about the PDO can be learned on the UW/NOAA JISAO PDO Web site »
In the shorter series case, monthly averages are shown by the plus signs and 3-month running mean filtered index values are shown by the shaded regions. In the longer series case, 3-month averages are shown by the plus signs and 12-month running mean filtered index values are shown by the shaded regions. The monthly standard deviation of the index over the period 1948-2005 is indicated on each plot. get series (netcdf 12kB) »
Data source and calculation
Calculated by Nate Mantua (U. Washington) and is served from NOAA/ESRL (last update 15-JAN-2025). The PDO index is based on a projection of sea surface temperature anomalies onto a pattern defined by the leading principal component of monthly SSTs in the North Pacific poleward of 20°N.
The standard deviation of the index over the period 1948-2005 is indicated on the plot. get series (netcdf 12kB) »