Introduction | Overview | | Surface ocean | Subsurface ocean | Sea Ice | Air-Sea Flux
AO | | PNA | PDO | SAM | SOI | AMO| El Niño OLR | La Niña OLR
shorter series | longer series

North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO)
The NAO index indicates the predominance of a characteristic pattern of atmospheric circulation over the North Atlantic Ocean. view pattern »
In the shorter series case, monthly averages are shown by the plus signs and 3-month running mean filtered index values are shown by the shaded regions. In the longer series case, 3-month averages are shown by the plus signs and 12-month running mean filtered index values are shown by the shaded regions. The monthly standard deviation of the index over the period 1948-2005 is indicated on each plot. get series (netcdf 12kB) »
Data source and calculation
The index is calculated by NOAA/CPC (last update 15-FEB-2025). view details of calculation »